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Whag Tag

Fake social profiles are a common occurrence and new AI developments are making it harder every day to tell the authentic from the fraudulent. That’s where Whag Tags comes in.


May 11, 2023

What is a Whag Tag?

In simple terms, a Whag Tag is your verified digital identity – it’s a name that you select that ties to every action and activity you perform within our growing network. Unlike traditional social profiles, you’ll have to verify your identity by connecting at least three other socials before setup is complete. By taking a decentralized approach to trust, Whag is building a network consisting of, and only of, real humans.

Creating Your Profile and Claiming Your Whag Tag

When you join Whag, you’ll be prompted to create and claim a Whag Tag during the onboarding process. The steps to create your profile and claim your Whag Tag are as follows:

Step 1: Create Your Profile

You’ll be able to create your profile by signing in with Google or by connecting your Web3 wallet. No additional features are blocked or unlocked by creating your profile with one or the other.

Step 2: Verify Your Identity

After you’ve created your profile, you’ll be prompted to connect at least three (3) socials to verify your identity. At launch, you’ll be able to connect with:

  • Google
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Discord
  • Facebook

While only three are required, we encourage every new user to connect as many socials as possible. The more socials you connect for verification, the stronger your digital identity becomes.

Step 3: Select Your Whag Tag

After you’ve connected your socials, you’ll get to pick your Whag Tag from an array of options. To help build authenticity and keep our community safe, you’ll only be able to choose a Whag Tag that’s based on your legal name or derived from the socials you’ve connected to sign up.

After you’ve claimed your Whag Tag, you’ll be able to access all of Whag’s amazing features, including Whag Verified Links, Whag Whitelists, and the Community Blacklist. We can’t wait to see what you do!